Sound Masking Systems
What is sound masking?
Masking as a clean term means hiding or covering an object. This object does not change but simply hides, such as the mask of the artist's face, the deodorant that masks odors rather than removes them, or the sound that can mask other sounds. In all three cases, the goal is to mask something that exists, not to change.
How does the sound masking system help me?
In office spaces, the background noise level is generally low. Hence, people unintentionally overhear
conversations – a difficult situation for all concerned. To address this problem, sound masking systems
emit a soft, inconspicuous background sound with the use of a loudspeaker system. The ambient sound
level becomes more uniform and otherwise noisy distractions are muffled by the sound masking.
Does the sound masking system annoy you?
If we compare subjectively the sound from the refrigerator at home and the sound from the masking system, we will see that they have a lot in common. What is common is that both sounds do not carry information and it is difficult for a person to notice them unless special attention is paid to them. However, if we compare these two sounds with an arbitrary song coming from the radio, we will see that one directs person attention because the human brain defines it as music and provokes a reaction in him. This means that in an office, a person would be distracted more by music or a phone call than by the sound generated by the sound masking system. Of course, in the example above, it should be understood that all three sounds have the same level.
What are the benefits of sound masking systems?
1. Low level of employees distraction.
2. Adaptability - Through sensors, the system monitors the level of background noise in the room and generates proportional masking sound.
3. Increased productivity and high employees focus.
4. Web control and Android/iOS application.
5. Easy and quick installation and calibration.